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Christos Gkoros

API Architect, Postman

Christos is a software engineer and architect who specializes in APIs. Currently, he is an API Architect at Postman, guiding engineering teams to create high-quality APIs and a better product for the millions of developers using Postman. Christos has extensive experience in creating software in various industries and technologies, always with a focus on quality. Both a mentor and mentee, he is committed to sharing knowledge in the tech community and is the organizer of the API Athens meetup.

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Level : Practitioner 

Content : Test Automation

Testing OpenAPI definitions for better and consistent APIs

In this tutorial, we will discuss how we test API definitions in OpenAPI at Postman. We will cover the objectives of testing, which include ensuring correct structure, completeness, consistency, uniformity, style, and documentation. Additionally, we will explore the tool used for testing, Spectral, and where testing fits in our software delivery lifecycle. Furthermore, we will discuss the challenges we faced, such as testing the tests, scaling the number of tests, and scaling the number of engineering teams involved, and how we overcame them.

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